Privacy Policy

Mikatakno Respects Your Privacy

Thois privacy notice discloses Mikatakno’ privacy practices solely with respect to information collected by or on this website. We treat any personally identifiable information as confidential information.

Information Collection

Only Mikatakno has authorized access to information that you voluntarily give us through communication mechanisms we may provide on the website. We will not sell, rent, or share this information to or with anyone outside of Mikatakno and its affiliated companies, and by providing information you consent to such sharing.

We use “cookies” on this website. A cookie is a piece of data stored on your hard drive to help us improve your access to our website. Cookies can also enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the experience of visiting our website. We may use cookies to:

-Compile anonymous statistics on website use
-Count the number of times you visit our website
-Gather information on the type of Internet Browser and operating systems used

Dispute Resolution

If any controversy, dispute or claim arises out of or related to your use of Mikatakno’ website or any content posted on or submitted to the website, the dispute will be resolved exclusively by binding arbitration in accordance with the then-current Commercial Rules.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Mikatakno reserves all rights to petition any court of competent jurisdiction for the entry of injunctions and orders for specific performance relating to your unauthorized use, modification, copying, distribution, transmission, display, performance, reproduction, publication, license, creation of derivative works, transfer or sale of the User Material, breach of your confidentiality obligations, or any other violations hereunder.

Mikatakno auto Service LTD. japan

Mikatakno Auto Serivice LTD. Japan is the best company to produce auto parts .


Mikatakno Auto serivice LTD. Japan

Tokyo, Japan